Epic Gaming   id:  3476289
4fx is a multi-gaming organisation that was created for the sole intent of having some fun. We\\\'re \\\"sponsored\\\" by J.Doe Mayhem Clothing Company. J.Doe MCC manufacture and sell urban / alternative clothing complete with killer designs. They provide us with clothing and fund all our activities. Check out their website by clicking any of J.Doe banners on the site.

w00k and SectioN were the former clan leaders of zer0.uK. w00k was the owner / manager of the pro-gaming organisation alltherage


- KuD0s
- havok
- Demon
- Josh
- Shaddix


- evd_-
- w00k

Sponsors : J.Doe Mayhem Clothing Company & http://www.x3-servers.co.uk