Clan Solopysk   id:  3530851
Clan Solopysk


+ We prefer game with Black Death and Vietnam mode.
+ We always play fair and expect the same of you!
+ No match adjournments shortly before a war
+ Server is discusseble, but ours is always good..
+ We don\'t cheat, so plz don\'t say we do..
+ We play just for fun..

+ For challenge, match details and others please contact our teammembers on ICQ or Xfire.
+ You can challenge us everytime, but it would be good if you use ICQ first!
+ If you challenge us directly over the ESL page, we can not say for sure that we can play!
+ We have no special warday yet, so just ask us!

During/After the match:

+ It would be nice if you speak in czech language to us, because of our member!
+ We don\'t like flaming or spamming during a match!
+ Please confirm the result directly after the match!
