FRAGMented Gaming  CoD4 Team  id:  3532043
FRAGmented, Started [17.11.2009] For a fresh start in the CoD4 Community.

All Eyez On, Created [02.05.2004]

Played actively in MoH:AA for a couple years, achieveing cups and topping ladders.

MoH:AA Eurocup Invites : 2004, 2008

-1st Place Fall Open Cup 2004 - Unbeaten ; -1st Place Fall TDM Cup 2004 ; -1st Place Obj Realism UK Ladder 15 Wins - 0 Losses ; -2nd Place Obj Realism EU Ladder ; -3rd Place Obj Realism Benelux Ladder ;

The clan has also met up to play at Multiplays famous i-series, winning the MoH:AA event twice, and winning £300. Eyez On has attended i21, i23, i25, i27, i31, i33, i36 and i37.

The clan is now Actively playing Call of Duty 4.