Team Emos ET Squad is filled with talent, ranging from aim to brain. The most noticeable aimer in the team is English born Yugoslavian Suiy. Suiy AKA Calum is a troublesome player for opponents, usually popping out of nowhere and delivering the killer blow. The brainiest player in the team is none other than Artlove, dubbed Smartlove by teammates due to his impressive view on tactics and decision making. Without this man at the helm, Emos ET squad may not be the force it is, this was seen during Artloves absence earlier in the year when Team Emo failed to impress at Euro Cup and LAN. Though, he\'s back and ready to lead Team Emo to victory. Other notable players include; Keleige: Known best for being Asian, and we all know Asians have sick gaming skills. He is a self confessed heal-o-maniac who will put his teammates before the frags. Sounds like Tay Zonday. Skryabinist: Finnish player with a trick up his sleeve. That trick being his warps, which all the opponents whine about. Skryabinist is a lovable guy and often plays his piano on comms. Xanael: Adam \'Xanael\' Rebertokowski is Poland\'s only real man. Belonging to a line of Polish royalty, Adam has access to funds unimaginable to his fellow Poles. Adam does not own just one computer, he owns an iMac. Isn\'t that awesome, just how many Polish citizens still living in the country can afford such hardware? Yeah, that\'s right.. none! Adam also funds for the Team Emo Picnic\'s which take place in his huge summer retreat through out the year. Shimmy: Shimmy is just a Psycho. He listens to music not even Gothic Satan worshippers would listen to. This makes him the manliest Dutch man on the Internet. Shimmy is a Soldier class whore. Whenever he gets the chance, you can be certain the man is either carrying his trust worthy Panzerfaust or MG42. On the rare occasion he may actually play a different class, but will soon revert back to Soldier. Seb: Seb is one of ETs hidden gems. The most notable talent of the half Latvian half Bat Frog is to move around maps undetected by the enemy. Sometimes you\'ll see Seb raping 5 allies on Supply. How did he get there? Only the Bat Frog knows how. Pieman: The only man in ET who has the ability of using the lost secret art of ORGASNADES. OUT OF NOWHERE PIEMAN WILL STRIKE A TEAM DOWN WITH HIS ORGASNADES. OH. OHHH. OOOOOOOOOOOH ORGASNADES!!!! Tomo: Rifle new talent. Likes to pretend he can play rifle. Plays World of Warcraft. What a cunty! MORE TO COME.. . . |