Squelch Kommando WCIP   id:  3973956
SQuelch Kommando was formed in summer 2008 by 4 friends playing wc3 since 1.17 (good old firelord and night elf reign of imbalance) who decided to make a team to participate in leagues. We did good enough tho we had problems with organization (it was new to us) so we joined clan eVe as a main roster. Playing with eVe tag we qualified for WCIP Season3, qualified for EWL, made finals of ANAL-league, but due to discord with clan leader we decided to reborn SQK.

SQK is stable collective which consists of talent players and managers. We have experience of playing on leagues of high level (WCIP). We successfully participate in Russian leagues: top 5 aLone league seson2, top 6 GIM league season 5 and top4 ANAL league, RWL season 5 and others.

We are is a mannered team and we're progressing fast.