Bogger|Waaaghboss: how do we demoralise RuW? Jdanzi: lol Jdanzi: why RuW? Coldsnap: why RuW? Jdanzi: :P Coldsnap: ;d Bogger|Waaaghboss: rofl, freudian slip :D Jdanzi: lol Jdanzi: more like retard slip, but w.e. Bogger|Waaaghboss: not quite Coldsnap: so? Coldsnap: needs more vodka? Bogger|Waaaghboss: best way I can think of to demoralise them is to make our team name \\\\\\\"linail knows how they beat RuW\\\\\\\" Coldsnap: I had some great vodka here yesterday tbh Jdanzi: lol Economist: Absolut Vodka? :P Bogger|Waaaghboss: this can be our team logo Coldsnap: nah Jdanzi: lol Coldsnap: more like no abuse Coldsnap: yea absolut Jdanzi: just give it a mundane name Jdanzi: like Coldsnap: with redbull Jdanzi: Team Rabbit Coldsnap: NO TEAM Bogger|Waaaghboss: ok, sounds good, Team Rabbit we are Coldsnap: jesus Jdanzi: ok Jdanzi: just Rabbit Jdanzi: then Economist: cool Jdanzi: Rabbit | Jdanzi, Rabbit | Bhuric Jdanzi: or Rabbit.Jdanzi Bogger|Waaaghboss: \\\\\\\"Rabbit DoW 2 EMS\\\\\\\" Jdanzi: yeh Jdanzi: full of win Coldsnap: lol Economist: I\\\\\\\'d kinda prefer Badger though Jdanzi: ok Jdanzi: Rabbit and Badger Economist: (bhruic means badger) Bogger|Waaaghboss: Rabbit and Bogger >.> Coldsnap: lol Coldsnap: and whats bruhic then? Jdanzi: The Rabbit, the badger and bogger Bio: bogger and boggerer Coldsnap: Boogies... Bogger|Waaaghboss: bogger and boggerer, I like Bogger|Waaaghboss: bogger and boogerer will also tdo Jdanzi: Bogger vs. Bogger Bogger|Waaaghboss: implying I\\\\\\\'m some kind of skizo? Jdanzi: like Kramer vs kramer, but with less crying Economist: bruhic ain\\\\\\\'t shit Coldsnap: wtf gusy wtf Jdanzi: how about Economist: but so many people kept mis-spelling bhruic Jdanzi: Saving private bogger Bio: or saving bogger\\\\\\\'s privates Coldsnap: haha yea thats true Jdanzi: :P Economist: was just about to type that as well, bio :P Bio: har Bio: ninja Bogger|Waaaghboss: saving bogger\\\\\\\'s privates works Jdanzi: Lord of the Abuse: The return of bogger Bogger|Waaaghboss: bogger\\\\\\\'s privates also works? Coldsnap: we want mercy nao Jdanzi: The bogger man Bio: i like saving bogger\\\\\\\'s privates tbh Economist: bogger\\\\\\\'s Inglourious Basterds Jdanzi: Public Boggers Coldsnap: lol Jdanzi: Bogguno Coldsnap: sounds funny when I tranlate it into my language tbh Bogger|Waaaghboss: Bogger|Waaaghboss: good as our pic? (it\\\\\\\'s a bog) Coldsnap: jesus Coldsnap: I shouldnt have said anything about leaving element Coldsnap: srsly Jdanzi: lol Economist: oh we\\\\\\\'ve all been thinking about it for ages Bogger|Waaaghboss: pooic+1 Coldsnap: Bio: rofl Jdanzi: lol Bogger|Waaaghboss: rofl |