The Swarm Intelligence   id:  4049814
Ten percent Luck
Twenty percent Skill
Fifteen percent Concentrated power of will
Five percent Pleasure
Fifty percent Pain
And a hundred percent Reason to remember the name

~. Swarm .~

The Sponsors:

The Team:

-ITA- Team Owner | Vittorio 'F4nt1c' Cicalese
Weapon: Thompson/Trench Gun

-ITA- Team Manager | Andrea 'KNIGHT' Malieni
Weapon: Kar98/Thompson

-ITA- Player | Alessandro 'B4kkO' Ferraglio
Weapon: Kar98/M1 Garand

-ITA- Team Admin | Carmelo '$N@K3' Leonardi
Weapon: Kar98/M1 Garand

-ITA- Player | Simone 'suzuu @ myzzzz' Barbieri
Weapon: Allrounder

-ITA- Player | Valentino 'Valentino84' Pani
Weapon: Scope

-ITA- Player | Michele 'Goge. aKa Mrdk.' Boscia
Weapon: Scope/Kar98

-ITA- Player | Daniele 'Ryal' Cavalieri
Weapon: Trenchgun/Rusher

-ITA- Player | Luca 'SnipEEEr' Totino
Weapon: Thompson/MP44

The Contact:

XFire: andrealocicero (Join/Questions)
XFire: meloleo (Matches)

Twentyfour Hours
Seven Days
Fiftytwo Weeks

Is it REAL?