Vindico eSports  vicarious  id:  4263935
With three to seven years of playing CS:S together as a team we hope to be a strong competetor in various leagues and LANs within the UK and Ireland.

Vicarious has been a competetive team for over three years, we have kept four out of five members all these years. We recently had a member replaced with Chris 'ChrizZ' Hughez. Chrizz had been mixing with us for a couple of years and is a strong addition to our 'core5' line-up.

Our 'core5' roster is:

Henry 'GENESIS' Stevens
David 'fraactmau5' Aherne
Theo 'kAkAsHi`' Sardelis
Chris 'ChrizZ' Hughes
Mark 'TaOnAs' O'Hara