Game Core Vision  GcV  id:  4271198
CPL Winter qualifications Net + Belgrade
CPL Dallas Winter 2002
CPL qualification Greece 2003
Qualification WCG 2004 Serbia / Belgrade / Sava Centar
Qualification WCG 2005 Serbia / Belgrade / Sava Centar
Qualification WCG 2008 Serbia / Belgrade / Fair Hall 2
Qualification WCG 2009 Serbia / Belgrade / Hall Sportova
Dream Hack Serbian qualifications 2009 / Online qualifications
Dream Hack European qualifications 2009 / Online qualifications
Core Cup 2006 Serbia / Pancevo
Electronic Motion Tournament 2009 / Serbia/ Belgrade / Net+ hosted by GcV
And much, much more LAN tournaments in Serbia and Bosnia & Herzegovina

After several years of delay, we come back slowly step by step
with a new line-up

1.GcV | Herga_Force
2.GcV | Eli
3.GcV | Blade
4.GcV | Makoto
5.GcV | Dzoker

contact us via IRC / mIRC on QuakeNet
# gcvserbia

or via msn:
[email protected]

[email protected]