Clan eSpuma   id:  4549132
The story if Clan eSpuma is actually quite.. normal? funny? I dont know, but it is HERE! (read below)...

As you can see, our CL is Apelhund, who one time, during FFA play on a hoejhus9 server, asked mrKayne if he wanted to join his clan, which he, clearly, did, and therefor became CCL.

Now, basicly everyone in the clan, except StreetDog and supernemo, was recruited from this hoejhus9 server - and about here a normal person would think this clan would be a "fun" and "failing" clan - but no!

Clan eSpuma should turn out to be a group of people from the age of 16+ years, which quicly invested in both a FFA and CW server, and a mumble server (which now has been changed to a TeamSpeak 3 server).

Besides the servers, we've all been given a dogtag with our clanname and nickname, and some of us have invested in clan clothes, both hoodie and t-shirt, with our clanname, website and nickname.

And now, finally, we've decided to join the ESL league, to improve ourself individually, but also as a team - and ofcourse because we want to try to make our self a known name wihtin the CSS scene.

Big goals, that we know - but without goals, what we be then? Nothing else than a FUN clan, which yea.. is no fun.

We hope to see you and your clan in-game!