Team eCRYPT  SWBF2 Alpha  id:  4630907
Team eCRYPT - Raise your skills
Das grünste Team der Welt.
Team eCRYPT, original called CryPt0n!C eSports (later Cryptonic eSports), was found in Summer 2006 by the famous
Star Wars Battlefront II Player MordreD.

Unlike today, Cryptonic eSports was playing Star Wars Battlefront II only.
For many eCRYPT members this game is where their E-Sports roots are
and a lot of our members still play this game today.

At that time this clan was known as ={GoDs-ArMy}=.
On the 1st january of 2008 ={GoDs-ArMy}= gained back up, becaus we fusioned with ['BS'] Black-Sun Clan.

Before leading the ['BS'] Black-Sun Clan, h4chi became the second leader of ={GoDs-ArMy}=.
Even today he's an important part of Team eCRYPT.
With his wisdom and friendliness he always did his best for us.

Soon we joined the Electronic Sports League (ESL) Star Wars Battlefront II 6on6 League, were successful and had about 40 members.
With leaving of important members,
after some time we unfortunately split up
and everyone went seperate ways.
But true friendship keeps together and in the spring of 2008 we fusioned with an Star Wars Battlefront II clan
and were now known as Cryptonic eSports.

After we rejoined the ESL 6on6 Ladder we never lost a single match.
But on top on our success the clan seemed to break up again.

After a long break we took the chance to reopen Cryptonic eSports.
In 2009 we fusioned with the succesfull SWBF2 Instinct-Clan and MordreD, h4chi and p1ka (Instinct-Clan)
were now leading Cryptonic eSports. Those three were / are impressing members and their influence is even today still noticable.

After MordreD had left us, p1ka and h4chi
were now leading Cryptonic eSports.

Untill today we had highs and depths.
People joined. People leaved.
But the result of all of those stresses and strains
is our friendship, which makes us a strong team.

"But now we are back for more" - MordreD

This history was written by Pe4nor and is based on an older history written by MordreD himself.
