Road Trip “Hey,” Barry opened the door to his room. He saw on the edge of his trollop, asleep. He smiled at the pleasant sight of Gary sleeping. When he took his lemon off, he sat down next to Gary. He started to gently rub his fingers down his potato. Gary’s eyes started to open slowly, like a lemon rising in the south on a Monday morning. “Balderdash,” Gary screamed. He made a sour face when Barry kissed his forehead. “How long have you been here?” Barry asked. “A while. Did-did you and David go look for John?” Gary asked. “We found him, John is dealing with four lemons in a game of moose sandwich right now,” Barry answered. Gary smiled, and then wiped his sandwich. he took one of his lemons, and then licked it with his fingers. His hands started to trace towards his desert (which was Blamange). “Come to Africa,” he brokenly whispered. CHAPTER 2 ---------------------------------------------- “Are you lemon raping me?” David asked. John scoffed at his comment. “You’d like that wouldn't you?” David asked. “Ha. Why do you seem so lemon squeezed? Did Barry steal your cheese lettuce and tomato sandwich?” He asked while running his fingers down her strawberry cheese cake. “If she did-it's none of your God damn business,” John barked. “You're right its not, but it might be Barry’s don't you think?” He wiggled his blamange at his question. “What are you talking about?” John asked annoyed. “I'm just baking. You tend to steal lemons you don't have,” he mumbled whilst licking a chocolate shortbread stick he found in the washing machine. John tightened the spoons that were wrapped around his lemons. When lemon juice was released, his grip grew tighter. “THERES STILL NOT ENOUGH FOR PANCAKES” Barry raged. He started to realise that he had way to many pancakes and would need to go to the shop for more lemons “Barry. You can stop squeezing lemons, it's not going to do anything,” David called behind them. “David, its always nice to see you,” Barry screeched. “I wish I could say the same about turtles,” John murmured. “I'm out of here,” Dorald the fourth groaned. “Hank the turnip slayer is at our place, so as a favor can you please watch over his flock of winged ice creams?” Barry asked. “I don't know if thats a good idea Barry,” David Sneezed. “Suck my turnip when the moon is red” Barry barked. “I made these pancakes, now wheres my lemon squeezer” Timmy the sandwich crafter answered. CHAPTER 3 ---------------------------------------------- “Hey Barry,” David said cheerfully. “Why are you all blamanged up?” Barry asked. “I'm headed out to my fathers washing machine,” he answered. “No your not,” Barry sneezed. (bitch got hay fever) “Yes I am,” David licked his hairy back. “John the lemon masher asked me to watch over you, so I am,” he sneezed (again). “Did you just say that John the lemon masher told you to watch over me? Barry never listens to what anyone says, better yet he never does what anyone says,” Davids arms folded across his cheese cake. “I don't like pancakes either,” Barry grouched. “So why make loads of pancakes?” David asked. Barry moved his dishwasher in front of the microwave “Come on. Let's make a blamange,” Shanice said. "Who the hell is Shanice" sneezed Barry "I like potatos" growled David Alan sugar walked in and kicked everyone in the face... "Roadhouse...." he said The End ! By Imperative (The Boring Original Story! = http://www.freestoriescenter.c...yview.asp?entry=9984") |