elite.clan   id:  524396

Elite-clan is multigaming clan from Croatia. With more than 10 years of existence, our clan is the oldest active clan in Croatia.

So far we had many squads, some of them made great success. Enemy-teritory, Warcraft 3 and Unreal Tournament squads had public respect because of great achievements in CB cups and ladders. Although future was looking bright, after some years, many players and squads had gone inactive and new came on the scene.
In the year of 2007 and 2008, clan was on the brink of extinction. With inactive teams and just some individuals, it was almost impossible to save everything from vanishing...

However, we hibernated to survive hard time and managed to return on gaming scene. Our main goal is to reclaim old glory!

oldschool CS Source squad - "Is there anything better than gaming for fun?"
active legends:
>> e^BrAiN
>> e^FEsH
>> e^Flegma
>> e^majers
>> e^uberleonah
inactive legends:
>> e^antion
>> e^DaDo
>> e^micho/peho
>> e^s1ptar

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