ISW   id:  5426606
Hi lads this is abit of info how isw clan was created. ISW was created by myself garret we were a break away fraction from the Tar clan. When i had a disagreement with the tar clan leaders i decided to create my own clan ISW. The name was picked by myself garret and pete the ISW name stood for Immortal shadow warriors. ISW is a freindly community with players all over the world in it. We go on to mumble for having a laugh and doing wars. We also go to public servers and mess about in there to. ISW first campaigne was in fbg battling for 3rd place in the end ISW landed in 4th place but give the Evil main team a run for its money. Nif also used its first team to stop isw because second team couldnt stop us. Was a glouris battle over the 6 months which myself and isw loved it. ISW have now competed in KGL and ENEMY DOWN leagues coming across many more clans and giving a few close matchs. I think in the end ISW will become a good war clan when the right people come in clan and team play comes into show and tactics but in time i will see that happen. Even members which have been in clan has helped out with isw with creating banners and helping with forums war servers etc shows that isw is a friendly community to be in. SPAD being isw top donator has helped ISW loads in costs to the servers we play website we have and mumble same with panda kenny nos hegs convicted and our fallen comrades like ham perry highland which has helped isw out. Our fallen comrades who have left isw i do wish them always the best in there css careers and hope they find what they seek. ISW clan is another great way to meet ur comrades in arms i myself have met up with a few members of the ISW clan such as sora joe fluff sasuke william jd and soon hegs. This is a quote of what the heart of ISW really is. WE ARE A CREATIVE COMMUNITY WHEN ONE OF US FINDS A SOLUTION WE SHARE IT AND SUDDENLY A MIND SENTENCE AS BEEN CREATED OR SHOULD I SAY ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY. THE OPPORTUNITY TO FIND A NEW PERSPECTIVE BUT WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU ONLY BELIEVE IN ONE WAY TO FIX A PROBLEM. WILL YOU BOYS FIND AN OPPORTUNITY WITH MILLIONS OF WAYS TO TURN IT INTO SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL ISW|.

Since ISW has now been running for over a year and a half the logo of the clan has changed to INTERNATIONAL STRATEGIC WARFARE CLAN. This was due to ISW members ages were more of an adult clan now than ISW used to be for kids. So new members reading this post i hope u enjoy the stay once u get in clan and enjoy the community which ISW has to offer and the war campaigne which lies ahead of us :}.