Public Teamspeak 3 IP: Port: 9990 Team-Visualize is a competitive eSports organisation. The project was started by Athel and TheSid in the early stages of 2008 and has progressed ever since. Team-Visualize is home to some of the finest, up and coming teams in their games and we are always looking to excel further. We are always building up our community to the highest standard to meet the needs of everyone, you can read below on how you can get involved. Sponsors & Partners Denkers-ICT Linqmedia Dresme-Clothing Visualize.Management Jim "JiMMy" Lehmann Sidney "TheSid" Lehmann Danny "MaZZie" Adegeest Technology Manager Justin "JeeJEM" Mosterd Designer Community Player You will not have to pay a penny, completely free and you get some great bonuses. You will have all the opportunities to visit the players of Team-Visualize, you will also progress with your gaming and one day you could be one of the toplevel gamers of the competitive side of eSports. You will have access to the website forums and public servers and also have some great fun! Team-Visualize is always looking to expand and make our structure much stronger in the view of competitive and friendly eSports. With the more people that join Team-Visualize and be a part of what is happening, things will be much more interactive and enjoyable. Feel free to signup to the Team-Visualize website @ Please visit our forums and post around - feel free to ask any questions you may have. You can also visit us in MIRC @ #Team-Visualize on Quakenet. |