The Hard Cheese Farmers   id:  6740056
Mick and Nook are two of the most respected and experienced Dutch players. After years of succes, online and offline, both guys got nominated for the tiltle 'Best Dutch Counter-Striker'. Mick and Nook are one of the few players who played professional under contract with organisations like Spire, Coolermaster and Steelseries. Both represented their country in several Nation Cups. Now a days they don't game at a professional level anymore.

International results:
9-12th CPL 2002
6-8th ESWC 2003
n/a WCG 2004
2nd Dreamhack B 2006
5th SGHOpen 2007
2nd Slap Live 2007
n/a WCG 2008
6-8th ECG 2008
1ste Moskou Open 2009