Evolution Virtual Cry  TF2  id:  6759503
The Evolution Virtual Cry team comes of an idea from a group of friends, managing teams in PC, have a goal in the near future, to become one of the most promising teams internationally.

Founded in 2008 in the game World in Conflict, at the time under the name of Tuga Warrior, became one of the most prestigious and respected. In 2010, projectes opening doors to other new teams in various games, such as Call of Dutys, and evolved into a new image, a new name, Evolution Virtual Cry. Today, as a Multigaming Organization, the EvC are known in the communities of Electronics Sports and all the teams have the ability to participate professionally in any tournament.

In order to support the construction of a road to an impartial Organization, fair, just, truthful, responsible, confident and secure, a solid team capable of overcoming all obstacles and all the goals, a team united and prepared for any situation; a team that knows and shares all times, a team that lives and breathes all the experiments, a family that we call Evolution Virtual Cry.

We Share the Moment.