Skillz e-Zone  In Memory of...  id:  6868208

This team was founded by k7.
Rec is Off since the only members are Sector, Thecnoz, Maravilhas and Linuux.
We played together for 2 years and will be forever remembered with this team, as laggers by some, fast killers by others (Haters gonna hate!) and PROs by a few.
The Truth is only one - "We get shit done! Come at Us!".
It started as a club since none of us is playing WR actively anymore but we decided to participate in a few cups in order to get some awards.
We will win easy even though we are not active...



- 3rd War Rock CQC 3on3 Plus Classic Cup (Kapa7 / Sector / Thecnoz / Linuux)
- 2nd War Rock CQC 2on2 Kharif Cup (Sector /ExtazK)


- 1st War Rock CQC 1on1 Carnival Cup 1 POR (Linuux)
- 1st War Rock CQC 1on1 Carnival Cup 2 POR (Kapa7)
- 1st War Rock CQC 1on1 Day Cup #2 EU (Sector)
- 1st War Rock CQC 1on1 Sixth Match Snipers EU (Sector)

- 1st War Rock CQC 1on1 Novembro Series #1 POR (Maravilhas)
- 1st War Rock CQC 1on1 Novembro Series #2 POR (Maravilhas)
- 1st War Rock CQC 1on1 Novembro Series #4 POR (Sector)



- 1st War Rock CQC Quick Ladder EU (Sector)
- 1st War Rock CQC Quick Ladder EU (Thecnoz)
- 2nd Warrock CQC Khyber Corner Ladder EU (Kapa7)


- 2nd 2on2 Ladder Eu (Team Madvision - Thecnoz / Sector)


- 1st 3on3+ Ladder EU (Feel the Green Power - Linuux / Sector / Thecnoz / Maravilhas)
-2nd 3on3+ Ladder EU (Always on Fire - Sector / Thecnoz /Kapa7)

National Team

- 3rd Country Championship 2011 (Portugal Warrock)