Rubinelle   id:  6873556
Rubinelle - 2008-Present
Rubinelle was previously formed by Scott 'Sephrosasia' Begg and Jamie "Twinky" McLean back in 2008 and then was sadly folded in 2011...

Now reformed by Perkins, Ross and Dodge we now have a new line up ( with a few original members).
We are really good so don't cry when you lose...

Tom "Perkins" Perkins
Deen "Dodge" Karim
Harvey " " Van Oorschot
Dean "Hurricane" Mcmullen
Harris "King" Kong
Joe "^Jp" McEarlean
Joseph "Slasher Joe" Murphy
Ross " " Herbert- Carries this team SO HARD
Awards :-
First 5v5 Open, Enemydown - April 2010
2nd, EDCSSL Season 15, Div 7, Enemydown - April 2010
3rd, EDCSLL Season 16, Div 6, Enemydown - August 2010
3rd, LoTEG II, Div 1 - July 2011
2nd, Custom Carnage #2, UNGL - March 2012