Risin-eSports.DOTA2   id:  7893544
Risin' the Standards!

Risin Esports has been officialy founded in August, 2013. After a few months of inactivity, it's gotten refound in January, 2014. With a professional and experienced management team and gaming team on titles such as Call of Duty4: Modern Warfare, League of Legends, FIFA 14, Dota 2 and S.K.I.L.L. - Special Force 2, we're aiming to reach the top.

We're always trying to expand our organization into new eSports games on which we do not have a team yet. If you're interested in joining us, and are in such a team, or willing to work hard and essamble one, you're always welcome to contact us in any way listed below.

For more information about us, go to our website: www.Risin-Esports.com. Here you'll be able to find the latest news about us, the exact rosters of all our teams, several easy to use and direct contacting facilities and even news on the latest events we're hosting, such as small free-to-join tournaments.

You can always contact us for recruitment, more information and questions trough:
The CEO's Steam: Gregor825
The CEO's Skype: MisterFury.
Our Website: www.Risin-Esports.com
Our Email: [email protected]
Our Twitter Page: www.Twitter.com/RisinEsports
Our YouTube Channel: www.YouTube.com/TheRisinEsports

Risin' the Standards!

Gregor \\\"Fury\\\" C.S.
//CEO Risin Esports